What Is An Important Sign Of A Leader?
What is a servant? Let us look to the dictionary & Thesaurus and see what the world says it is.
Angus & Robertson Dictionary & Thesaurus:
a person employed to work for another, esp. one who performs househould duties.
attendant, domestic, drudge, help, helper, lackey,menial, retainer, servitor, slave, vassal.
I think we can see that the world's idea of what a servant is not one that many of us do not relish the thought of of being the one on the end of the servant. But Jesus came to serve not to be served. What else can you call His crucifixion but the ultimate show of servanthood. He came to die so that mankind would not have to. Think about the disciples in the upper room when the Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, The Messiah wrappd a cloth around His waist and did the most menial task and washed their feet,Remember out on the road when a man stole one of the disciples coat and Jesus told the disciple to give him his other one.
Christlikenesss leads to servanthood. That is if we truly wish to become like Jesus we need to become servants of our fellowman. Servanthood is not slavery but given freely. True servanthood is when you think more of someone elses happiness or needs more than your own. You know Jesus had the complete authority of heaven but chose to take the form of a servant. [Phillipians 2:5-7]
Matthew 20:26: ..........you know that he rulers of the world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt thir authority over thos over them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave.
Here we see our Lord Jesus describing servanthood and leadership from a completely new perspecticve. We are no longer to make people serve us but we are to serve them. Jesus came and died with a real servant heart freely. A real leader must also of necessity have a real servants heart. They also appreciate others worth, and a real leader realises that there is no job below them, if something needs to be done it gets done. That is the reality of the servant heart if we truly love Jesus we will serve in whatever capacity He calls us to no matter what that may be.
How do you feel? Do want to grow more like Jesus each day? Do you want to take up the mantle of servanthood and be there to help your fellow man in his christian walk or to maybe help the non-believer, the alcoholic, the one in prison, the sick, the lonely, the disenfranchised, the drug addict without thinking about it. You can be sure if Jesus was here today He certainly would. But guess what? He surely is here today, right there in you, because He has given you a servantheart and a Holy Spirit that will guide and empower you.
Lord, please open my servantsheart that I might serve your people as you served me upon that cross at Calvary. Allow your light to shine through me in a world where much is darkness and may my life be an example that will draw people to the Good News and ultimately to you. Dear Lord Jesus I ask that you help grow closer to your will each day. Amen
Angus & Robertson Dictionary & Thesaurus:
a person employed to work for another, esp. one who performs househould duties.
attendant, domestic, drudge, help, helper, lackey,menial, retainer, servitor, slave, vassal.
I think we can see that the world's idea of what a servant is not one that many of us do not relish the thought of of being the one on the end of the servant. But Jesus came to serve not to be served. What else can you call His crucifixion but the ultimate show of servanthood. He came to die so that mankind would not have to. Think about the disciples in the upper room when the Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, The Messiah wrappd a cloth around His waist and did the most menial task and washed their feet,Remember out on the road when a man stole one of the disciples coat and Jesus told the disciple to give him his other one.
Christlikenesss leads to servanthood. That is if we truly wish to become like Jesus we need to become servants of our fellowman. Servanthood is not slavery but given freely. True servanthood is when you think more of someone elses happiness or needs more than your own. You know Jesus had the complete authority of heaven but chose to take the form of a servant. [Phillipians 2:5-7]
Matthew 20:26: ..........you know that he rulers of the world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt thir authority over thos over them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave.
Here we see our Lord Jesus describing servanthood and leadership from a completely new perspecticve. We are no longer to make people serve us but we are to serve them. Jesus came and died with a real servant heart freely. A real leader must also of necessity have a real servants heart. They also appreciate others worth, and a real leader realises that there is no job below them, if something needs to be done it gets done. That is the reality of the servant heart if we truly love Jesus we will serve in whatever capacity He calls us to no matter what that may be.
How do you feel? Do want to grow more like Jesus each day? Do you want to take up the mantle of servanthood and be there to help your fellow man in his christian walk or to maybe help the non-believer, the alcoholic, the one in prison, the sick, the lonely, the disenfranchised, the drug addict without thinking about it. You can be sure if Jesus was here today He certainly would. But guess what? He surely is here today, right there in you, because He has given you a servantheart and a Holy Spirit that will guide and empower you.
Lord, please open my servantsheart that I might serve your people as you served me upon that cross at Calvary. Allow your light to shine through me in a world where much is darkness and may my life be an example that will draw people to the Good News and ultimately to you. Dear Lord Jesus I ask that you help grow closer to your will each day. Amen